Training – Week 30 & 31

The first two weeks of the new year and I’ve been to 5 sessions each week. Hopefully if I can continue injury free then my next goal is to get under 90 kilos very soon.

I know there haven’t been many updates but there’s still been a lot going on. I just havent had time to write about it. Friends have moved on or gone home for a while so I have no excuses now and I’m focussing on the training again. My weight has been going up and down since I pulled my calf muscle last year but I have maintained the weight loss before that which is an achievement in itself :-)

For the first time in years I didn’t put any weight on at Xmas. Basically Xmas was a non event over here. They do make a half hearted attempt to celebrate it but it’s not quite the same as Santas grotto in Epsom.

New years eve on the other hand is a really big thing and I saw probably the best fireworks display I’d ever seen in Patong. There was an incredible amount of firework going off everywhere and it was a spectacular sight along the beach. However, they had huge fireworks on sale to anyone and it’s not really funny when drunken idiots plonk a box of fireworks down beside you without securing them and light them in amongst a crowd of people. Certainly added to the excitement of the evening though and luckily nobody was hurt.

One Response to Training – Week 30 & 31

  1. Chris says:

    Good to have you back Andy.  Looks forward to seeing you in 8 weeks  – hopefully by then you might be as "slim" as me ;-)

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