Start of a new week

Seemed to be a lot more people at training this morning and I was wondering how I would get through it with the blisters on my feet but luckily a bit of tape solved that one. I’m quite pleased that I don’t seem to be struggling at all with the push ups and sit ups although when the trainer came over and slapped me on the back I nearly taught him my own version of kick boxing. He wasn’t to know about the sun burn :-(  I guess the work at the gym before I came here actually made a difference. Thank you Vicky if you’re reading. Again I found a few more muscles I never knew existed when we were learning how to kick properly. It’s ok though as long as I don’t move I feel fine :-)  There were about ten people in the beginner’s group but one of the girls from last week was missing. I thought that was a bit strange because she was really doing well and had been going to both sessions every day. Unfortunately she’d been involved in a scooter accident over the weekend. She’d jumped on the back of someone elses scooter outside the gym and it sounds like the throttle was stuck and the bike just shot off and hit a tree. They didn’t even get out onto the road! It sounds funny but it was actually quite serious. The guy that was driving fractured his shoulder and is on his way home now. I bumped into her after breakfast and she had some nasty bruises and doesn’t think anything is broken but she’s in a little bit of pain. It just shows how quickly things can turn around when you least expect it.

The daft thing is last week her and I were talking about whether or not we should get scooters and we were both pretty wary.  Most people seem to have them and being here long term it really is essential to get around and see the island. I know a few of you will be thinking if ever there was an accident waiting to happen……..

Apparently there were 5 accidents last week involving people from the gym!

9 Responses to Start of a new week

  1. dad says:

    Andy ,
    stay clear of scooters,walking around is the best way to get to know the area and it is additional conditioning training At least you appear to be enjoying it so far. Fixtures out on friday
    Love, Dad

  2. Chris says:


    I second your Dad! Best for you to stay clear of these scooters. You’ve had enough bad luck lately.

    Amyway I’m wondering how you are enjoying the colonic irrigation or are you just trying to keep that quiet?!?

    Keep the updates coming.

    All the best


  3. Mum says:

    It is a shame about the Scooter’s being a bit of a liability as it would be good to get round the Island so see different places. Maybe you can find a tour guide that does trips at the weekend, there must be some at the hotels who take the holiday makers out. We went on a few trips when we were in Thailand and I am sure they would not mind you joining one of their groups as it would be extra money for them.

    Glad that your training at the gym before you left has given your fitness a head start, seems like you are doing well. I am looking forward to seeing photos of you in a couple of months time, we will not recognise you.

    What about your diet do they give you advice on what you should or should not eat?

  4. glockett says:

    So… We’ll be seeing you back here very soon …in traction! LOL Stay safe mate!

  5. Nikki says:

    That scooter accident doesn’t sound at all funny … stick to roller-blades Mate!

    It’s great that your fitness is improving already. Love reading all about your exploits.

    Happy Training, Nikki x

  6. Urnie Lockett says:

    Hi ya honey, you know that I am only going to echo what all the others have said before me –


    I am sure that there are many other ways for you to see the island more safely!

    Brilliant news that your personal training sessions are now paying off, well done you, we are all very proud of you – “What is a sit up again?”

    The blisters will soon go, when I started martial arts I had them, but they come and go before you notice it and sometimes you just come across them!

    Hope your friend gets better soon, it did sound like a nasty accident and I know that they are not that hot on H&S out there so please stay clear, we are all worrying about you over here you know, so don’t add to our sleepless nights, please!

    Mind you, the trainer was living dangerously and is lucky to still be alive after hitting your sunburn!

    So how does this training break down, I guess warm ups first, then cutters and stances, all out training and then a cool down?

    Have you been back on the morning run yet? Remember the more you participate in the more you are going to tone and loose!

    Anyhow, had better crack on and leave you alone in peace. The weather here today has been mixed but is light and sunny this afternoon, typical Monday really. Gwyn painted the shed on the weekend, so the garden will look a bit different when you come back.

    Sooty and Disney are missing you too. Disney got in to the spare room where we put the duvet that you use and curled up in it and went to sleep so that is a sure sign that she has noticed that you are away.

    Well honey this is going to be your first full week of training. We have every confidence in you that you are going to do brilliantly, you never know you might fall in love with martial arts like I did, I could do with a partner to go with me to Karate as Gwyn won’t go with me any more.

    Take care, no scooters, shirt on, plenty of sun screen and more pics please.

    Fondest love Urnie xxxx

    • The Reluctant Traveller says:

      Helen, you know I always appreciate and take on board your advice then do the complete opposite only to wish I’d listened. I’m off out to rent a scooter now……

      Only joking I’ll just carry on chilling by the pool and listening to the Dualers in the background.

      How could I make it any better? I feel a replay of the play-off final coming on! Thanks for doing the DVD for me ;-)

    • The Reluctant Traveller says:

      Just been to my first fight night in Bangla Stadium, Phuket. can’t tell you how much respect I have for anyone who steps into the ring after seeing how hard everyone trains here. Even the beginners!

      I’m loving it and hoping I can stay injury free.

      3 wins out of three from the gym tonight. Seems like one of the best gyms anyway.

      Lots of good people here and no-one is made to feel out of place during training.

      I missed the morning session due to being led astray but was made to suffer in the afternoon. First time in the ring with the pads and I loved it.

      Got told to leave the beginners class today :-)

      Missing you all to. Thanks for the support. Love Andy.

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